
These general contract conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "General Contract Conditions") apply and govern the Service Supply Contract (hereinafter the "Contract") between Versatile 5990 S.r.l., with registered oce at 30122 Venezia (VE), Castello 5990, Tax Code and VAT number 04830760270, PEC address versatile5990@pec.it, represented by its legal representative pro tempore (hereinafter, "Versatile" or the "Company"), and the User.

1. Conclusion of the Contract and Discipline

1.1 By making an online booking, the User expressly agrees, in addition to the conditions and terms specified in the agreement itself, to the General Contract Conditions.

1.2 These General Contract Conditions, in any case, do not affect what is provided, indicated, and regulated in the agreement.

2. Object of the contract – services offered by Versatile

2.1 The Contract between Versatile and the User exclusively concerns the service expressly selected and indicated by the parties, with the respective specifications indicated therein.

2.2 Any provision of additional services by Versatile beyond what is agreed that may be requested by the User must be the subject of specific negotiation and specific agreements between Versatile and the User.

2.23 The User expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Contract does not give rise to a lease relationship, nor does it establish or transfer rights to the User.

3. Beginning of the contract, duration, and renewal

3.1 The Contract will be valid and effective between the Parties from the moment of the booking or advance payment if considered.

3.2 The service subject to the Contract will be provided by Versatile starting from the start date and time agreed upon by the parties in writing.

3.3 The provision of the service will have the duration agreed upon by the parties and indicated in writing.

3.4 For Memberships, the Contract will renew automatically upon expiry, also for several consecutive times, for a period equal to that originally agreed upon by the Parties, and under the same conditions, unless the User expresses a contrary will to renewal, by giving notice of termination via PEC or email to Versatile, at least:
i) 30 (thirty) days before the last day of service duration, for Hot Desk users;
ii) 60 (sixty) days before the last day of service duration for Dedicated Desk users.

3.5 Notwithstanding the above, at the end of the first extension period, as well as at the end of subsequent extension periods, Versatile may give notice of termination to the User, thus preventing the renewal of the Contract. The notice of termination will be communicated by Versatile at least 30 (thirty) days before the last day of service duration.

3.6 At the end of the service duration period, and in any case in the event of termination of the contract for any reason, the User is obliged to promptly vacate, and in any case no later than the day following the termination of the Contract, the spaces granted to them, removing any items installed at the workstation (if applicable) and/or any goods not owned by Versatile. In the event of failure to vacate and/or restore the workstation promptly, the penalty clause referred to in art. 8 below will apply. Notwithstanding the above, in the event of failure to vacate and/or restore the workstation promptly by the User, the latter expressly acknowledges and accepts that Versatile may autonomously proceed with the restoration of the workstation.

4. Remuneration, terms, and payment methods

4.1 By making the booking, the User expressly undertakes to pay the consideration indicated in the agreement (depending on the applicable service).

4.2 In the case of a "Monthly Fee," it is the User's obligation to make advance payment of the monthly amount due. Payment of the first month's fee must be made concurrently with the signing of the Contract, and in any case no later than 5 (five) days after signing. The "Monthly Fee" for subsequent months must be paid in advance, no later than 5 (five) days from the start of the contractual month. In the case of a "Fee," this must be paid by the User upon signing the Contract, and in any case no later than 5 (five) days after its signing.

4.3 Notwithstanding and without prejudice to what is provided under art. 11 below, in the event of late payment compared to what is provided under art. 4.2 above, Versatile is entitled to default interest at the rate set forth in art. 5 of Legislative Decree 231/2002, accrued until the effective settlement day.

4.4 Any additional and/or supplementary service requested by the User and agreed upon with Versatile, beyond what is agreed in writing, shall be subject to an additional fee to be agreed upon with Versatile.

4.5 Versatile will issue an invoice for each service provided to the User.

4.6 Payment of the monthly fee / Fee can be made by the User via bank transfer to the account specified by Versatile, direct debit on a credit card, payment through the website, or POS, if available.

5. Security Deposit

5.1 Together with the payment of the first monthly installment of the "Monthly Fee" (where applicable), or in cases provided for by the Contract or agreement, the User undertakes to pay to Versatile the amount indicated under the "Security Deposit", as a guarantee for the correct fulfillment of all obligations and these General Contract Conditions on the part of the User, and as a guarantee for any damages that the User may cause to the premises and/or property of Versatile.

5.2 The amount referred to in Article 5.1 above will be held by Versatile until the transfer of the Contract, and will subsequently be returned to the User subject to the verification of the correct fulfillment of all contractual obligations on the part of the User and the absence of damages caused by the User to the premises and/or property of Versatile.

5.3 No interest shall accrue on the amount paid by the User as a security deposit.

6. User's Obligations and Prohibitions - Behavioral Rules and Use of Versatile Premises

6.1 By booking, the User expressly undertakes to use the spaces and premises of Versatile exclusively for the purpose for which they are intended, based on the selected and agreed service with Versatile, and therefore exclusively for the conduct of office activities and/or professional activities, and/or entrepreneurial and/or freelance intellectual and creative work, and/or relational activities among professionals, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. In the event of the use of the aforementioned premises for different purposes, Versatile shall have the right to terminate the Contract for non-compliance pursuant to Article 11 below.

6.2 By booking, the User expressly undertakes, assuming all responsibility in this regard, to correctly and diligently use the premises and equipment (including books and magazines for consultation, etc.) of Versatile, committing to their proper conservation.

6.3 By booking, the User expressly undertakes not to use, directly or indirectly, the services offered by Versatile and/or the premises of Versatile for the purpose of:
1) publicizing and/or disseminating material that promotes or provides information related to activities contrary to mandatory rules and public order or that may in any way prejudice third parties;

2) violating the laws of the Italian legal system and/or other regulations, however named, of supranational and local entities recognized and protected by the legal system;
3) violating the intellectual or industrial property rights of Versatile and/or third parties (including other Users) who, in any capacity, make use of the services provided by Versatile;
4) using Versatile's distinctive signs, trademarks, patents, and in any case, intellectual and industrial property without Versatile's authorization.
In the event of a User's violation of the provisions of Article 6.3, Versatile shall have the right to terminate the Contract for non-compliance pursuant to Article 11 below.
6.4 The User undertakes to collaborate with Versatile's staff to ensure the correct and safe use of services by all users. The User, in particular, is required to present identification documents upon reasonable request by Versatile's sta.

6.5 The User expressly acknowledges and agrees that it is strictly prohibited to:

1) smoke, including electronic cigarettes, in all indoor and/or outdoor areas with an obligation to enforce this prohibition also to third parties and guests, except for outdoor areas specifically designated as smoking areas by Versatile's sta;
2) accumulate waste within Hot Desk and Dedicated Desk areas;

3) post posters, flyers, and/or other advertising material;
4) nail and/or bracket walls or clutter with stands and structures without prior written authorization from Versatile;
5) tamper with or deactivate systems (lighting, gas, water, and air conditioning);
6) allow third parties to use or access, in any capacity, all or part of the spaces, facilities, and equipment made available to the User, except for authorized guest access as per the terms of the Contract;
7) permanently or temporarily occupy common areas;
8) improperly and/or illegally use software, material, objects, and internet connection;
9) not comply with the rules of separate waste collection as properly indicated;
10) use the Meeting Room without reservation and/or not comply with communications and/or restrictions from Versatile's sta;
11) use chairs or other materials and/or equipment from positions other than those agreed upon between the User and Versatile;
12) take outside Versatile's premises the goods and/or equipment provided by Versatile;
13) perform mechanical work, cooking, and/or introduce foods with strong odors inside the premises;

14) introduce into Versatile's premises articles considered dangerous by Versatile's sta (by way of example only, weapons of any kind), or otherwise inflammable or explosive materials. Hazardous liquids or gases are not permitted;
15) bring and/or keep animals inside Versatile's spaces, unless they are assistance animals for documented disabilities;

16) install in Versatile's premises and/or in the designated workstation (if applicable) and/or in common areas large oce machines (by way of example and not exhaustively, printers, photocopiers, etc.), reproduction and/or heating equipment, and/or kitchen appliances, radios, stereos, or other mechanical amplification materials, vending machines, refrigerators, boilers, or coee machines, without prior written authorization from Versatile.

17) use electrical power for purposes other than ordinary lighting, powering computers, and small work appliances;
18) make copies and/or reproductions of keys/access cards to Versatile's premises;
19) allow access to third parties and/or guests, unless expressly permitted.

In the event of a User's violation, even of just one of the above prohibitions, Versatile shall have the right to terminate the Contract for non-compliance pursuant to Article 11 below.

6.6 By booking, the User expressly acknowledges and agrees to the following code of conduct, committing to respect it within Versatile's premises. Versatile's premises must be used respecting the following basic rules:

  1. courtesy and availability, respect for good coexistence rules, mutual respect for other users and their activities, being careful not to disturb;

  2. modulation of voice tone during phone calls or video calls in common areas, so as not to disturb other users' work.

  3. for phone calls or video calls, it is advisable and preferable to use the Common Area, if available, or in the case of long-duration calls, to book the Meeting Room;

  4. diligent use of areas, including the kitchen and the Meeting Room. At the end of their use, these areas must be left by the User in order and clean, and in any case, in conditions suitable for ensuring the regular conduct of other users' activities;

  5. Versatile acknowledges and appreciates the freedom of clothing and style of the Users. However, since Versatile's premises are predominantly used for various types of work activities, including shared ones, the User undertakes to maintain decent and respectful clothing appropriate to the environment.

The User acknowledges and accepts that Versatile's staff may, at their discretion, remove Users (and any guests - if applicable) who violate the rules set forth in Article 6.6 from the Company's premises, sending simultaneous written notice of warning to the User. Upon the second written warning, Versatile may terminate the Contract pursuant to and for Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, pursuant to Article 11 below.

6.7 The User expressly acknowledges and accepts that Versatile, if necessary, has the right to access, through its staff or delegates chosen at its sole discretion, at any time within Versatile's premises assigned to the User, without the need for prior notification to the User. The Company, as a mere courtesy, assuming no obligation in this regard, may inform the client in advance of the need to access the aforementioned premises or spaces in order to check the condition of the premises, repair or carry out work other than the ordinary activities of inspection, cleaning, and maintenance.

6.8 The Dedicated Desk User is expressly obligated, upon termination of the Contract, to promptly return, and in any case no later than 1 (one) day from the termination of the Contract, the keys and/or access cards to Versatile's premises. In case of delay in the return, the User is obliged to pay the penalty pursuant to Article 8 below.

It is the User's obligation to promptly notify Versatile in writing of any loss of keys and/or access cards to Versatile's premises.

6.9 The User who allows access to Versatile's premises to guests (if applicable) (maximum 1 at a time, except for the use of the Meeting Room for which access for up to 8 guests at a time is allowed), undertakes, also on behalf of the third party, to ensure compliance by the guest with the General Contract Conditions. The User must communicate the names of guests to Versatile in advance.

6.10 The User undertakes to access Versatile's premises and use the services offered by the latter exclusively on the days and during the hours specifically indicated in relation to the service agreed upon by the Parties. The use of Versatile's premises and/or the use of services on days and times different from those indicated, without specific written agreement with Versatile, will entitle Versatile to terminate the Contract for non-compliance pursuant to Article 11 below.

7. Exclusion of Liability on the Part of Versatile – Indemnities and Releases

7.1 The User expressly acknowledges and agrees that Versatile shall in no way be liable to the User for any damages, direct and indirect, pecuniary and non-pecuniary, suffered by the User as a result of malfunctions and/or suspension and/or interruption of services offered by Versatile attributable to (i) technical reasons (for example, malfunctioning internet connection, blackouts, etc.) or in any case not attributable to the will of the Company, as well as to (ii) any force majeure event and/or unforeseeable circumstances and/or for events not attributable to the Company.

7.2 Force majeure events include all events beyond the reasonable control of Versatile Company or, in any case, by way of example and not exhaustive, faults in premises, service networks, floods, overflows and/or "high water", defaults or ineciencies of third parties, activities and/or decisions of Public Administration, acts and orders of all Public Authorities, legal restrictions, natural disasters, lightning, fires, explosions, riots, wars, epidemics as well as strikes, industrial or market disturbances, lack of water, energy or transportation.

7.3 The User acknowledges, recognizes, and accepts that Versatile – while equipped with internet security protocols – does not provide any guarantee regarding the security of its network (or the internet). Versatile does not guarantee the level of availability and speed of the internet connection. It is the User's responsibility to provide all security systems that they deem valid and suitable for their activity (such as, for example, encryption tools, antivirus, and anti-malware), hereby releasing Versatile from any liability.

7.4 The User expressly acknowledges and agrees that Versatile cannot and will not be held responsible in any way for any theft and/or damage and/or loss and/or deterioration of goods and/or equipment left unattended by the User, or by their guests (if applicable) within Versatile's premises.

7.5 The User expressly acknowledges and agrees that Versatile cannot and will not be held responsible in any way for any damages, of any nature, direct and/or indirect, pecuniary and/or non-pecuniary, suffered by the User and their guests (if applicable) from the use of the spaces, facilities, and tools provided by Versatile.

7.6 The User expressly acknowledges and agrees that Versatile cannot be held responsible for any damages suffered by the User and attributable to the conduct and/or actions of other Users.

7.7 The User is and remains solely responsible for any activity carried out by the User and/or their guests (if applicable) within Versatile's premises, or through the internet connection provided by Versatile. The User is solely responsible for all information, messages, texts, software, data, graphics, videos, and other material transmitted, disclosed, exchanged, and/or otherwise made available to other Users and/or third parties through the physical and/or virtual spaces provided by Versatile. By booking, the User expressly undertakes to indemnify and hold Versatile harmless from any damages or losses that may arise against Versatile due to claims and/or compensation requests (including extrajudicial claims) that may be brought by third parties against Versatile due to activities carried out by the User and/or data/information (in a broad sense) disclosed by the User.

7.8 The User is responsible for any damages of any nature caused directly or indirectly by themselves, or by their guests, to the physical and/or virtual space provided by Versatile.

7.9 The access of any User's guests is under the exclusive responsibility of the User themselves. The User undertakes to indemnify and hold Versatile harmless for any damages or losses arising against Versatile from any claims and/or compensation requests (including extrajudicial claims) brought by the guest against Versatile for any reason.

8. Penalty Clause

8.1 In the event of failure to vacate and/or restore the workstation within the term specified in Article 3.6 above, the User undertakes to pay Versatile, as a penalty and in accordance with Articles 1382 and following the Italian Civil Code, the sum of Euro 50.00 (fifty/00) for each day of delay until the actual vacation and restoration of the workstation.

8.2 In the event of delay in returning the keys and/or access cards as per Article 6.8 above, the User undertakes to pay Versatile, as a penalty and in accordance with Articles 1382 and following of the Italian Civil Code, the sum of Euro 50.00 (fifty/00) for each day of delay until the actual return of the keys and/or access cards.

8.3 In the event of loss of keys/access cards to Versatile's premises by the User (if applicable), the User undertakes to pay Versatile, as a penalty and in accordance with Articles 1382 and following of the Italian Civil Code, the sum of Euro 200.00 (two hundred/00).

8.4 The penalties set forth in clauses 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 above are governed as follows:
a. The penalty is due regardless of proof of damage;
b. Any further damage suffered by Versatile remains compensable independently and autonomously from the penalty as agreed above;
c. The penalty is due, following the occurrence of the events described above, even in the absence of formal notice of default from the User;
d. Following the occurrence of the non-performance or delay as described above, the penalty becomes immediately payable, and from that moment on, default interest will accrue on the same penalty as quantified above, at the rate determined by Legislative Decree 231/02 for commercial transactions;
e. The User hereby waives the effects of Article 1384 of the Italian Civil Code.

9. Prohibition of Assignment of the Contract

9.1 Is expressly prohibited for the User to transfer the booking to third parties without the prior written authorization of Versatile.

10. Communications

10.1 Unless otherwise provided, any communication between the Parties regarding the booking must be made in writing and sent by email, or to a different address communicated in writing (in accordance with the provisions of this Article 10) from one Party to the other.

11. Express Termination Clause

11.1 The User expressly acknowledges and agrees that it is the unchallengeable right of Versatile to terminate this contract for the User's default under and for the purposes of Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code in the event of a breach by the User of even one of the following clauses:

(i) Article 4 Payment, terms, and methods of payment, with particular reference to the failure to pay, within the time specified in Article 4, even a single monthly payment of the Monthly Fee, or failure to pay within the time specified in the Fee;

(ii) Article 6 User Obligations and Prohibitions - Behavioral Rules and Use of Versatile Premises;

(iii) Article 9 Prohibition of Assignment of the booking/Contract.

11.2 In the event of a breach of any of the violations referred to in point 11.1 above, pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, the booking shall be terminated automatically when Versatile declares in writing to the User that it wishes to avail itself of this express termination clause.

12. Right of Withdrawal

12.1 The User expressly acknowledges and agrees that Versatile has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the booking at any time upon the occurrence of one of the following circumstances:
the User and/or, if it is a Company or entity, its legal representative is investigated in a criminal proceeding or is convicted, or subjected to a personal precautionary measure, for any offense, or is convicted for any criminal offense under the current law and subsequent amendments;

the User's visa, work permit, license, authorization, or any other document useful for the exercise of its activity is revoked or withdrawn, or any other equivalent document issued by the competent Authority.

13. Applicable Law - Exclusive Jurisdiction

13.1 The Contract and the General Conditions are governed by and must be interpreted in accordance with Italian law.

13.2 For any dispute arising in relation to the interpretation, execution, application, and/or in any case in relation to the Contract and/or the General Conditions, the Court of Venice shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

14. Personal Data Processing

14.1 Versatile informs the User that, pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (hereinafter, "Privacy Code") and Article 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter, "EU Reg."), the processing of the User's personal data will be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, and transparency, protecting the confidentiality and rights of the User.

14.2 The personal data provided by the User are processed:

A) without his/her express consent (Article 24, letters a), b), c) of the Privacy Code and Article 6, letters b), e) of the EU Reg.):

  • to fulfill the ordinary needs of managing the present contractual relationship as well as to fulfill the pre-contractual, contractual, and tax obligations arising from the existing relationship;

  • to fulfill obligations provided by law, by a regulation, by EU legislation, or by an order of the Authority;

  • to manage, within the Company and the other companies of its group or other companies related or connected to it, statistical data and/or for purely internal organizational purposes; B) subject to specific and separate consent given at the bottom of this contract (Articles 23 and 130

    of the Privacy Code and Article 7 of the EU Reg.), for the following Marketing purposes:

  • to send commercial communications and/or advertising material about products or services offered by the Company via email;

14.3 The data controller is Versatile 5990. The data processor is Luca Milan, in his capacity as Data Processor of Versatile 5990, to whom each User may address to assert his/her rights as provided for in Article 7 of the Privacy Code and Article 15 of the EU Reg., which is expressly incorporated into this contract.

14.4 The updated list of data controllers and processors is in any case kept at the registered office by the data controller.

15. General Provisions

15.1 Taxes. Any taxes, including registration taxes, relating to this Contract will be borne by the Party whose conduct has made the registration necessary.

15.2 Indivisibility. The obligations contemplated in the Contract and in the General Conditions of Contract, as well as any other obligation inherent and resulting from them, are indivisible among themselves and together form the unitary object of the Contract.

15.3 Tolerance. Any tolerance by Versatile of behaviors carried out by the User in violation of the provisions contained in the Contract or in the General Conditions of Contract does not constitute a waiver of the rights arising from the violated provisions or the right to demand exact performance of the obligations due.

15.4 The possible invalidity of one or more of the provisions of the Contract and/or the General Conditions of Contract does not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other provisions, which remain binding on the User.

In accordance with Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the User declares to have read and expressly approved the following clauses of the General Conditions of Contract: Article 3 (Initial term, duration of the contract, and renewal) with particular reference to the automatic renewal under Article 3.4 and the termination option by Versatile under Article 3.5; Article 4 (Consideration, terms, and methods of payment); Article 6 (User Obligations and Prohibitions - Behavioral Rules and Use of Versatile Premises); Article 7 (Exclusion of Liability on Versatile - Indemnities and Releases); Article 8 (Penalty Clause); Article 9 (Prohibition of Assignment of the Contract); Article 11 (Express Termination Clause); Article 12 (Right of Withdrawal); Article 13 (Applicable Law - Exclusive Jurisdiction).